3 Posters 3 Ways

A Triptych of posters, one text only, one image only, and one text and image framed around pastiche and love. Pastiche - an artistic work consisting of a medley of pieces taken from various sources and Love- an intense feeling of deep affection.

CMYK Laser Print on Cardstock
17” x 25.5”

Sept 2022

Wine Three Ways

A study in consumer marketing. Each wine label is targeted towards a different audience, the red being more traditional, the white is for the newer more casual buyer, and the rose is for the more contemporary audience looking to be wowed by packaging.

CMYK Laser Print on Cardstock
and Sticker Paper

Sept 2022

John Arthur Cafe

A logo redesign for a café on the Binghamton University campus. The café is named after a philosophy professor, John Arthur, who passed away in 2007 after a year long battle with lung cancer in. He enjoyed drinking coffee and discussing philosophy with students so this logo, based on Auguste Rodin‘s The Thinker, acts as a nod towards the café’s origins.

Logo Design and Digital Mockup

Oct 2022

Cracking Toast

A study in prop design. This is a movie prop designed to fit into the set of the Wallace and Gromit series. It is a redesign of the quintessential cracker box done in the style of the “Duck Vestas Matches” seen throughout the films.

CMYK Laser Print on Cardstock
and Digital Mockups

Dec 2022